Protect Yourself from Scam Calls: The One Word You Should Never Say

Protect Yourself from Scam Calls: The One Word You Should Never Say

In today's digital age, scam attempts are becoming increasingly common. Whether through mobile calls, emails, or social media messages, scammers are constantly trying to trick unsuspecting individuals. One recent scam tactic involves a seemingly innocent question that could make you a victim if you're not careful.

Imagine receiving a call from an unknown number. The voice on the other end asks, "Can you hear me?" It's a question we often respond to without much thought, especially when speaking to friends or acquaintances. However, according to warnings from organizations like the Better Business Bureau (BBB), this simple "yes" response could be a trap.

Protect Yourself from Scam Calls: The One Word You Should Never Say

The BBB, a nonprofit organization focused on tracking fraudulent activities and customer complaints, has issued an alert about a fast-growing scam tactic. Scammers initiate conversations with questions like "Can you hear me?" or "Is this you?" Their goal is to elicit a "yes" response from you.

But why is saying "yes" so risky? Experts explain that scammers record these affirmative responses and may use them maliciously. For instance, a recording of you saying "yes" could be edited and used to authorize charges on your phone or open lines of credit without your knowledge.

Melanie McGovern, BBB's director of public relations and social media, emphasizes the importance of being cautious. She warns that responding to such questions from unknown callers can have unintended consequences, potentially leading to financial harm.

Protect Yourself from Scam Calls: The One Word You Should Never Say

Professor Kelly Richmond Pope, an expert in forensic accounting, highlights the suspicious nature of these inquiries. She advises that any unexpected question like "Can you hear me?" should raise red flags, as it deviates from typical conversational patterns.

While there haven't been widespread reports of monetary losses from these "can you hear me?" calls, it's crucial to stay vigilant. If you suspect a call is a scam, the best course of action is to hang up immediately. Avoid engaging with unfamiliar callers or providing personal information over the phone.

In conclusion, protecting yourself from scam calls involves staying alert and cautious. Remember, the one word you should never say if you suspect a scam call is "yes." Stay safe and be wary of unsolicited communications, especially those that seem suspicious or too good to be true.

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